
Hans Heinrich Thyssen, * 13.4.1921 Scheveningen (Paesi Bassi),† 27.4.2002 Sant Feliu de Guixolz (Catalogna, Spagna). Figlio di Heinrich Thyssen e della baronessa Margit Bornemisza de Kászon, ha fondato il museo Thyssen-Bornemisza.Dalle terze nozze con Fiona Campbell-Walter è nata la baronessa Francesca Thyssen-Bornemisza (7 giugno 1958) che ha sposato nel 1993 Carlo d'Asburgo-Lorena, figlio primogenito di Otto d'Asburgo.

Di origine ungaro-tedesca, Hans Heinrich von Thyssen-Bornemisza ha acquisito la cittadinanza svizzera nel 1950. Ha posseduto la più grande collezione d´arte privata, dopo la regina Elisabetta d´Inghilterra. La sua collezione comprendeva più di 800 opere che percorrono tutte le tappe dell´arte occidentale dal Medio Evo ai giorni nostri. I dipinti di inestimabile valore sono stati trasferiti nell´autunno 1992 dalla Villa Favorita a Lugano al museo Thyssen-Bornemisza a Madrid, di fronte al Prado.

Il barone Hans Heinrich Thyssen Bornemisza di Kaszon era considerato il più grande collezionista di opere d'arte del mondo: alla sua famiglia appartenevano 1500 capolavori, gran parte dei quali furono ceduti otto anni fa allo Stato spagnolo e ora sono custoditi a Madrid nel museo che porta il suo nome. 
Il barone, a capo di un vero e proprio impero industriale che spazia dalle acciaierie alla macchine per la movimentazione merci, soffriva da anni di problemi cardiaci ed è deceduto per un'insufficienza cardiocircolatoria.

La sua vita seguì il corso degli avvenimenti più drammatici della storia europea del secolo scorso: nato a Schevningen, località olandese vicino all'Aia, nell'aprile del 1921, era figlio di un grande finanziere, Heinrich Thyssen, e di una baronessa ungherese, Margarita Bornemisza, che fuggirono prima dal nazismo e poi dal comunismo fino a installarsi nel 1932 a Lugano, in Svizzera, nella mitica Villa Favorita. Quando il piccolo Hans aveva 15 anni, suo padre dedicò già un'ala della sua residenza svizzera alla collezione di opere d'arte acquistate dal padre - ammiratore e amico personale dello scultore Auguste Rodin - e da lui stesso. Molte delle opere della prima collezione erano state acquistate a prezzi stracciati da magnati rovinati dal crollo della borsa del '29 come la "Giovanna Tornabuoni" del Ghirlandaio, che ancor oggi si può ammirare nel museo Thyssen Bornemisza di Madrid.

Subito dopo la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, dopo la morte del padre il giovane aristocratico prese le redini degli affari di famiglia lanciandosi in imprese importanti, come la costruzione della maggiore centrale idroelettrica tedesca.
Rilanciate le finanze del gruppo familiare, il barone trasferì la parte maggiore delle sue attività negli Stati Uniti, dove tuttora il Thyssen Bornemisza Group unisce 250 aziende divise in otto settori di attività, dall'informatica alle macchine agricole.

Parallelamente alla sua attività di imprenditore, però, il barone Thyssen riprese e rese più vasta la collezione d'arte, acquistando oltre mille opere delle principali scuole della pittura moderna, dal fauvismo pre-cubista al Pop Art americano dei primi anni Sessanta.

Non meno movimentata fu la sua vita sentimentale, segnata da quattro matrimoni tra cui la modella scozzese Fiona Campbell e la brasiliana Denise Shorto. L'attuale compagna Carmen Cervera, sposata nel 1985, è stata l'ideatrice del museo di famiglia a Madrid nel quale sono esibite 755 opere della collezione cedute allo Stato spagnolo (dopo sei anni di lunga e difficile trattativa) per oltre 42 milioni di dollari.


Hans Henrik Ágost Gábor, Baron Thyssen-Bornemisza de Kászon et Impérfalva (13 April 1921 – 27 April 2002),a noted industrialist and art collector, was a Dutch-born Swiss citizen with a Hungarian title, a legal resident of Monaco for tax purposes, with a declared second residency in the United Kingdom, but in actuality a long-time resident of Spain, and son of a German father and a Hungarian and English American mother (related to Daniel M. Frost and John Kerry). His fifth and last wife, Carmen "Tita" Cervera, is a former Miss Spain titleholder.

Thyssen-Bornemisza was born in ScheveningenNetherlands, the son of Heinrich Thyssen (1875–1947) and his first wife, Margit, Baroness Bornemisza de Kászon et Impérfalva (1887–1971). The Thyssen family's fortune was built upon a steel and armaments empire: Heinrich Thyssen had abandoned Germany as a young man and settled in Hungary in 1905. In Budapest, Heinrich married the daughter of the king's Hungarian chamberlain Baron Gábor Bornemisza de Kászon et Impérfalva (1859-1915) who, having no sons of his own, adopted Heinrich, the Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria-Hungary extending his father-in-law's baronial status in the Hungarian nobility to Heinrich and his male-line descendants in 1907. Baroness Margit Bornemissza's grandparents were the Baron Albert Bornemisza de Kászon et Impérfalva (1832-1899) and the Countess Gabriella Kornis de Gönczruszka (1834-1902).With his father's death, Thyssen-Bornemisza inherited TBG (Thyssen-Bornemisza Group) Holdings N.V., a business empire that included oil, Bremer Vulkan (naval construction) and large parts of Rotterdam harbor, as well as a major art collection with hundreds of paintings of European masters from between the 14th and the 19th century.

Thyssen-Bornemisza was also an avid horse lover. From then on, his business was limited to art. He bought more old masters, from Duccio to Francisco Goya; and fifteen years after his father's death, he bought his first piece of modern art, a watercolor painting by Emil Nolde dated from between 1931 and 1935, starting the entry of 20th century's paintings in the collection (including Edgar DegasPiet MondrianPablo Picasso, and Fernand Léger). His preference however went to German Expressionism, and he soon became a real expert in painting.

He married firstly at Lugano-Castagnola, 1 August 1946, Austrian Princess Teresa of Lippe-Weissenfeld at Vienna (21 July 1925 – 16 July 2008),daughter of Prince Alfred of Lippe-Weissenfeld and Countess Franziska of Schönborn-Buchheim. She belonged to the cadet branch of House of Lippe who had been reigning princes until the fall of the German Empire in 1918 (following their divorce on 14 May 1954, she married secondly in 1960 Prince Friedrich Maximilian von Fürstenberg (1926–1969),by whom she had further issue). Their only son was:

He married secondly at ColomboCeylon, or Paris, 23 June 1954, Anglo-Indian fashion model Nina Sheila Dyer (1930–1965),an heiress to properties in Ceylon; they had no children and divorced on 4 July 1956, pursuant to the settlement of which she received a château in France. She later married and divorced Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan and committed suicide in 1965.

He married thirdly at Lugano-Castagnola on 17 September 1956 New Zealand-born British photographic and fashion model Fiona Frances Elaine Campbell-Walter (b. Takapuna, New Zealand, 25 June 1932). They divorced on 20 January 1965, and she went on to have a well-publicized relationship with Greek shipping heir Alexander Onassis, the only son of Aristotle Onassis. She was a daughter of Rear Admiral Keith McNeil Walter (later Campbell-Walter) (1904–1976) and his wife, Frances Henriette Campbell (born in 1904),a maternal granddaughter of Sir Edward Campbell, 1st Baronet. Their children were:

He married fourthly at Lugano-Castagnola, 13 December 1967, Liane Denise Shorto (b. GarçaSão Paulo, 23 December 1942),a Brazilian banker's daughter, from whom he was divorced 29 November 1984. They had one son:

  • Baron Wilfried "Alexander" August Thyssen-Bornemisza de Kászon (born Zurich 1974),unmarried and without issue.

He married fifthly at Daylesford, Gloucestershire, on 16 August 1985, María del Carmen Rosario Soledad Cervera y Fernández de la Guerra, popularly known as Carmen "Tita" Cervera, (born SitgesBarcelona, 23 April 1943),who was Miss Spain in 1961. They had no children, but Hans Heinrich adopted her son, Alejandro Borja (born Madrid, 1980, son of Manuel Segura),who married at Barcelona, 11 October 2007 Blanca María Cuesta Unkhoff and had two children: Sacha Thyssen-Bornemisza de Kászon on 31 January 2008 and Eric Thyssen-Bornemisza de Kászon on 5 August 2010. His widow has also adopted two baby girls, twins, called Guadalupe Sabina and María del Carmen in July 2006.

As part of an attempt to dissolve a trust, thereby acquiring control of her third husband's assets, Tita cast doubt on the paternity of Baron Georg Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza, alleging that his father was actually Count Iván Batthyány de Német-Ujvár, the husband of Thyssen's sister, Countess Margit Batthyány. However, a settlement was reached between the parties before the baron's death, which brought to a "peaceable" conclusion the wrangling over control of the vast Thyssen art collection, which is to remain in Spain, Hans Henrik having been the founder of the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid. One of the paintings in the museum, Rue Saint-Honoré in the Afternoon, Effect of Rain by Camille Pissarro, belonged to a Jewish couple who were forced to give it to the German government in exchange for an exit visa to the United Kingdom shortly after Kristallnacht in 1939. By 2015, their descendants had filed a lawsuit against the museum, on the grounds that it was stolen by the Nazis.

Hans Henrich died in Sant Feliu de GuíxolsCatalonia, Spain. He is buried in the family burial vault of Schloss Landsberg in the Ruhr valley near Essen, Germany.




Barone Hans HeinrichThyssen-Bornemisza de Kászon

* 13.4.1921 Scheveningen (Paesi Bassi), † 27.4.2002 Sant Feliu de Guíxols (Catalogna),cattolico, cittadino tedesco, olandese e ungherese, dal 1950 di Lugano. Figlio di Heinrich Tyissen-Bornemisza de Kászon e di Margit Bornemisza de Kászon. Barone (fino al 1950),si sposò cinque volte. Dopo il liceo reale all'Aia, studiò diritto, economia e storia dell'arte alle Università di Berna e Friburgo (1940-45). Alla morte del padre ereditò il suo impero industriale e ne riacquistò l'intera collezione d'arte. Questa importante collezione privata, uguagliata solo da quella della corona inglese, fu aperta al pubblico, ampliata e poi suddivisa tra Madrid (palazzo di Villahermosa, oggi Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza),Barcellona (monastero di Pedralbes) e Castagnola (Villa Favorita). Nel 1992 la maggior parte delle opere d'arte esposte a Castagnola fu trasferita a Madrid. Nel 1993 lo Stato spagnolo acquistò la collezione. La pinacoteca di Villa Favorita (Fondazione Thyssen-Bornemisza) chiuse nel 2002.



Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza de Kászon

Der jüngste Sohn von August Thyssen (1842-1926) und Hedwig Pelzer (1854-1940) studiert Chemie, Physik und Mineralogie in München, Berlin, Bonn und Heidelberg, wo er 1900 im Fach Chemie promoviert wird.


Nach seiner Heirat mit der ungarischen Baronesse Margareta Bornemisza (1887-1971) adoptiert ihn sein Schwiegervater, der keinen männlichen Erben hat. Franz Joseph I., Kaiser von Österreich und König von Ungarn, verleiht Heinrich Thyssen und seinen Nachfahren 1907 das Recht, Namen und Wappen der Bornemisza de Kászon sowie das Adelsprädikat Baron zu führen. Die ungarische Staatsbürgerschaft behält Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza bis zu seinem Tod 1947, dennoch agiert er in den 1920er- und 1930er-Jahren zeitweise deutschnational. Der Ehe entstammen vier Kinder, u. a. Hans Heinrich (* 1921). Nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg und Flucht aus Ungarn übersiedelt Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza mit seiner Familie nach Den Haag, wo er die Leitung der Thyssenschen Auslandsinteressen übernimmt, deren bedeutendste inzwischen die Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart geworden ist. Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza vermeidet unternehmerische Abhängigkeiten, weshalb er es nach dem Tod des Vaters 1926 ablehnt, sich mit seinem Erbe an dem neu entstehenden Trust Vereinigte Stahlwerke AG zu beteiligen. Aus diesem Grund wird das industrielle Erbe August Thyssens zwischen seinen Söhnen Fritz und Heinrich aufgeteilt. Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza übernimmt diejenigen Vermögenswerte, die nicht auf die Vereinigte Stahlwerke AG übergehen, insbesondere die niederländischen Bank-, Handels- und Transportgesellschaften, aber auch deutsche Firmen (August Thyssen-Bank AG, Preß- und Walzwerk AG, Thyssensche Gas- und Wasserwerke GmbH u. a.),die er zunächst in der August Thyssensche Unternehmung des In- und Auslandes GmbH zusammenfasst. Die meisten Firmen werden später in einer selbstständigen Unternehmensgruppe Thyssen-Bornemisza organisatorisch vereint, die sich in den folgenden Jahrzehnten zu einer vorwiegend international tätigen Holding für zahlreiche, breitgefächerte industrielle und Dienstleistungsaktivitäten entwickelt.

Während Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza als Unternehmer erfolgreich ist, aber bewusst in der Anonymität wirkt, wird er als Kunstsammler und Kunstkenner international bekannt und berühmt. Im Laufe der 1920er-Jahre trägt Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza eine Kunstsammlung zur europäischen Malerei vom 14. bis zum frühen 19. Jahrhundert von beträchtlichem Umfang und von höchster Qualität zusammen. 1932 erwirbt er die Villa Favorita in Castagnola-Lugano, siedelt nach dort über und richtet einen großzügigen Galerietrakt für seine Kunstsammlung ein. Nach seinem Tod 1947 macht sein Sohn Hans Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza die Galerie öffentlich zugänglich.


London Honeymoon

London Honeymoon

5th November 1956: Baron Baron Hans Heinrich von Thyssen-Bornemisza (1912 - 2002) lights a cigarette for his new wife, British fashion model Fiona Campbell-Walter, whilst staying at the Ritz Hotel in London. The couple were married six weeks before in the Italian village of Castagnola. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)
Wedding Toast

Wedding Toast

17th September 1956: Baron Hans Heinrich von Thyssen-Bornemisza (1912 - 2002) and his new bride, British fashion model Fiona Campbell-Walter, intertwine their arms for a marriage toast, after their wedding at Castagnola. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)
Baron Thyssen-Bornemisza & Denise Shorto

Baron Thyssen-Bornemisza & Denise Shorto

Dutch born industrialist and art collector Baron Hans Heinrich von Thyssen-Bornemisza (1912 - 2002) and Brazilian Denise Shorto shortly before their marriage on 1st December 1967. (Photo by Lichfield Archive via Getty Images).
The Habsburg Family : Files images

The Habsburg Family : Files images

VIENNA, AUSTRIA - JANUARY 17: Francesca von Habsburg poses in front of a Work by Lucian Freud Represented her Father Hans Heinrich, Baron Thyssen-Bornemisza (1921-2002) on January 17, 2008 in Vienna, Austria. (Photo by Luc Castel/GettyImages)
Tita Cervera and husband

Tita Cervera and husband

Spanish Carmen Cervera, known as Tita Cervera, art collector and philanthropist, with her third husband the baron Hans Heinrich von Thyssen-Bornemisza, Barcelona, Spain, 1992. (Photo by Gianni Ferrari/Cover/Getty Images).

Fotografie di THYSSEN Hans Heinrich

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